Endomorph Diet – How do Endomorphs Lose Weight?

Did you ever notice that some people can eat whatever they want and rarely ever become fat?Endomorph Diet Did you ever notice how some people gain fat a lot easier and a lot quicker than other people? Did you ever notice the same about gaining muscle? It’s not your imagination. The reason for this is genetics. You see, there are 3 different body types… ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph diet. Learning about all three and knowing which of these different body types you are will help you understand why certain aspects of diet and workout are harder and slower (or easier and quicker) for you than they are for other people.

The main differences between the three different body types are metabolism speed and bone structure. Let’s look at them one at a time…

Endomorph Diet

– the naturally fat body type. If the three different body types were in some kind of diet and workout High School together, the endomorph would be voted “Most Likely To Kill An Ectomorph.” These are the people who could eat half as much as what an ectomorph or mesomorph eats and still gain weight. The endomorph is naturally “big boned” and has what some people might describe as a body that is roundly shaped.

The endomorph has the slowest metabolism of the three different body types and can therefore gain weight the quickest and easiest. This is great for gaining muscle and strength, but terrible for losing and keeping off fat. It’s basically the complete opposite of the ectomorph.

Source: intense-workout.com

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