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Welcome to new British Dragon home-site. The company was completely restructured in beginning of 2008 and has at that time made a new business plan which includes manufacturing in a new WHO-GMP certified factory by all GMP standards and guidelines. British products are currently in Phase 2 of clinical trials and once all documentation is finished the first batch of products should be available in May 2009. Company British will initially register its products in several countries worldwide – Two Asian Countries, Two Countries in East Europe, and Four South American Countries. In these countries British Dragon Products will be available in pharmacies with doctor’s prescription for legal use. Official BD Web Site www.British-Dragon.com
British Dragon Injections
Following list includes our major consumer products in category Injections. Some of these products may not be available in your country. Click on the link to view product in detail.
- Aquabol Suspension
- Boldabol 200
- Decabol 250
- Durabol 100
- Dynabol Inject
- Mastabol 100
- Primobol Inject
- Stanabol Inject
- Sustabol 350
- Testabol Enanthate
- Testabol Depot
- Testabol Propionate
- Trenabol Acetate
Browse Tablets
The following list includes our major consumer products in category Tablets. Some of these products may not be available in your country. Click on the link to view product in detail.
- Halotestex Tablets
- Methanabol Tablets
- Oxanabol Tablets
- Oxydrol Tablets
- Primobol Tablets
- Stanabol Tablets
- Turanabol Tablets
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