Best Exercises For Women’s Abs.

Best Exercises For Women's“The 2 Best Exercises For Women’s Abs.” Article by Muscle Prod

If you are a woman wondering what exercises are best exercises  for women’s abs then listen up. Exercises for six pack abs involves going a lot further than just doing crunches. I have included 2 of the best exercises here for you to achieve mind blowing stomach muscles.

1. The Kettlebell Swing: That’s right, I said kettlebell swing!

By now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell and all of it’s awesome benefits, but if not you will have a better understanding after this article. Kettlebell swings are a total body strength and cardio exercise for abs. To perform this exercise you must swing the kettlebell from between your legs up to chest level back and forth like a pendulum. This single exercise incorporates hundreds of muscles at one time giving way to superior lean muscle development and a rock hard set of abs to show off at the beach 365 days a year. To properly execute this lift you have to initiate what is known as the hip snap which involves you having to constantly and fluently flex and extend at your hips and knees in order to create the necessary momentum to swing the bell back and forth in an arc like motion. This is what is so exerting, but gets your metabolism burning so that one missed workout won’t destroy all of your hard work. This is what I like to refer to as “fitness that lasts!”

2. The Kettlebell Clean And Squat:

This is an exercise for abs, legs, back, and all of your core. Once again, to get a rock hard set of abs you have flat out got to speed up your metabolism. The best way to speed up your metabolism is to train whole body movements and this whole body movement is certainly effective in doing your metabolism right! To perform this lift you will need to properly perform a kettlebell clean bringing the bell or bells (if you are training with 2) to your chest. Next, you will want to squat deep enough to touch your elbows to your knees, if possible. This is not only a strength workout for abs, but it is certifiable cardio workout for abs as well. If you don’t believe me then attempt 10 to 15 of these in a row immediately following a set of 30 kettlebell swings! This is your best workout for six pack abs. If you don’t include kettlebell training into your program then you are seriously missing out. Remember that anyone can train hard ladies, but only the best train smart!

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Copyright © Brandon Richey
Posted on September 30, 2009

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