Our Beliefs

BeliefsOnce IFBB was founded it stated its beliefs. These should be beliefs of each bodybuilder.

We believe – in total physical fitness – mental as well as physical – and are convinced that the best citizens by educating the whole man.

We believe – that total physical fitness can best be obtained through good health habits,adequate nutrition and planned systematical physical exercise.

We believe – that sports and games of all kinds can contribute greatly to the fitness of those who participate. Especially important is the vigorous training which precedes successful participation.

We believe – in the use of modern, scientific methods of training to produce the best possible results in the shortest possible time.

We believe – in total fitness for all, but we are convinced that properly supervised competitive athletic activities have an important place in our society.

We believe – that our athletes should be given every opportunity to develop their potential to the limit, not only for personal satisfaction and national prestige, but also to serve as stirring examples to others.

We believe – that with increasing automation the need for exercise becomes steadily greater and the role of the coach and physical educator even more important.

We believe – that progressive resistance exercise involving gradually increasing work-loads is absolutely essential for the development of muscular strength.

We believe – that muscular endurance can only be developed through vigorous sustained effort over increasing periods of time.

We believe – that a vigorous strength-building and endurance-building program is necessary to increase the efficiency of the cardio- vascular system and hence improve over all physical fitness.

We believe – that only through regular planned purposeful practice is it possible to develop a high degree of neuro-muscular skill.

We believe – in the development of a well-muscled,symmetrical physique along with all of the attributes mentioned above, not only to achieve success on the athletic field but also to enable the individual to meet the varying demands of everyday life.

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