AxioLabs is Back

AxioLabs is BackAxioLabs is Back in Decemeber 2019, Axio labs had slowly started to shut down, there forums, blogs and boards where all drooping slowly.  No one really new what was going on.  Reps continued to change there names and slowly move from board to board doing the same.   Axio labs was officially gone.   A steroid bust came out of cyprus where axio was located, axio was busted a few times in the past.  After the bust in 2010 a lot of product were faked because people were looking for there products, remember they were high quality with a large following. And people wanted to buy out. 

Well known for there product and quality was definitely missed, but now Axiolabs is back like Sciroxx and Geneza Pharmaceuticals made up for it and took over. 

Recently they are back.  A lot will tell you it is not safe to buy from them but the products are being produced and in few weeks your orders can be filled.  Axiolabs is one of the best and hopefully still is. 

Most of there products like cyx3 and salindagel will be once available again and were only produced from Axio.  Along with there elite steroids.  Go to and and you will see these products available. GBN and AntRoids is official and gold supplier of

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