NEW Diet pill.

 scientists in Italy have developed a brand new diet pill. This new diet pill makes a person feel full. After a person takes the pill, and it reaches the stomach, it expands into a large jelly like ball. This new diet pill is made from a substance called hydrogel. Based on a Wikipedia report, hydrogel is a flexible substance and is like a natural tissue. Hydrogel has a high amount of water inside of it. When first ingested, the pill is in a powder form, but then turns into a jelly like substance once it reaches the stomach.

Hydrogel has a lot of real world applications. One use is for human cells. Hydrogel can have human cells in it to help repair tissue. Hydrogel is also used in breast implants, used in helping soil to hold moisture in dry places, and can be found in contact lenses.

The new diet pill with hydrogel in it, has been tested so far on twenty different people. Experts say that other tests need to be finished before this pill is released. Safety of the new pill needs to be tested before it can be released. That is why another test with 90 overweight people is being done for the future.

During this new experiment, the people will be watched closely to see how much weight they lose while taking the pill. They will also be monitored to make sure the pill is safe to take with no harmful or dangerous side effects. 

Professor Luigi Ambrosio the study leader said, “One of our researchers tried the pill – he took it at about 11am and was still full at six in the evening. It’s like eating a bowl of spaghetti.” The pill needs to be ingested about 30 to 60 minutes before a meal. It will fully go through the digestive system, in the human body, in about six hours.

Sounds promising, but even though it may not be available for quite some time.

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